Thursday, December 07, 2006

I'm Gonna Write!

I'm writing the script for a harem/mecha anime right now. It may never be produced, but the mental exercise will do me good.

And, as soon as I find a copy of Adoble Acrobat 8 that isn't an arm and a leg (maybe get one at school), I'll post the PDFs of the scripts. So far, the plot is getting interesting....I've only demolished a small part of Tokyo, but the boy has met the first girl, stuck his hands in her breasts, and she swallowed him up.

The strange man in the black suit and black hat has just gotten really mysterious. And vicious.

And, I'm not sure how I'm going to end this. Since I'm not "Kill 'em All" Tomino, there will be a small but signifigant body count. So, do I end it with a polyamorous septangle? Many marrages (which means that I'll have to bring in more male characters and build up the plot around them..)? Only one surving girl? Hm...

This is getting fun.

1 comment:

project9701 said...

It's not so much the lack of ideas, it's the question of squeezing them in...

Maybe I'll post the raw Word files...